Family Investment Center recently identified Eileen Dyer on her behalf positive impact in her neighborhoods. The Impact Award grew from two thoughts really. First, people think our business is mainly about money, but it’s really about impact. We help people do stuff that will bring a positive impact with their retirement, their family, and the charities they love. Second, St. Joseph doesn’t execute a real good job of realizing achievement. After all, there are some nice honors out for a few very deserving people there. But there’s a complete lot of good that goes unnoticed, and I must say I think that’s too bad. It is genuinely remarkable what our people do, and outsiders sometimes see things that we overlook.
That is certainly the situation with Eileen. The University of Missouri Sinclair School of Nursing regarded her, and that makes me proud. Actually, it should make everyone in St. Joseph very pleased. Eileen Dyer brought true impact to medical and that school, and all of us know her for the positive impact she brings to everything she does. This is just our way of spotting that impact.
For these companies, the tax advantages of personal debt are irrelevant in the decision process, since they are often money losers, and the risk of default is too much. To sweeten the container for investors, they will add the option to convert into collateral to the most well-liked stock (creating convertible preferred stocks).
Financial service firms: Financial service firms use preferred stock because some measures of regulatory capital permit them to count up preferred stock as part of capital. Thus, while they view preferred stock as expensive personal debt (since it generally does not have the tax advantages), it can serve the goal of augmenting regulatory capital.
- 5 years ago from Calicut (Kozhikode, South India)
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- I sold SDIV because the income was limited at about $1.80
- 6 years back from New England
- Home equity loan interest deduction
If David Einhorn’s idea is a non-starter when it comes to value creation and not particularly effective even as a cost catalyst, he could be not in his sales pitch only. In fact, what he is doing is widespread among companies, consultants, and banks and I would propose three changes in the way restructuring plans/ proposals are presented to investors and public.
Stop using price and value as interchangeable terms: A lot of what passes for value creation in many companies is not what it is manufactured out to be. I have seen the hue and cry around stock split, issuing monitoring stock and accounting restatements of resources on balance bedding and considered why we make such a large offer about these actions.