5 Reasons NEVER TO Plagiarize

5 Reasons NEVER TO Plagiarize 1

Growing up, it is expressed how wrong it is to steal. The same applies here. We are taught throughout life that stealing isn’t appropriate, why can you steal someone writing else’s? Not merely does this present a moral dilemma, but it is a reflection of the author’s character.

In the past decade taking other people’s ideas/ writing without sourcing is now the norm. Many think that they can escape with such a criminal offense but finish up facing the results. The term that the world uses when someone chooses to take someone else’s suggestions to make it their own is named plagiarism.

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What is this is of plagiarism? Plagiarism is the action of taking another body of work and copying it verbatim and not giving the initial article writer their credit. Research documents are an accumulation of many sources and sometimes paraphrase them. Paraphrasing means to rewrite a body of work to make it your own but to also keep that same substance from the source. There are several ways to avoid the utilization of plagiarism such as citing the resources of writing that you will be wanting to use.

At no time could it be ever appropriate to plagiarize someone’s work. Such behavior in college will lead to expulsion. Plagiarism eliminates all trustworthiness instantly. A thief that steals money cannot be trusted, neither can a thief that steals ideas. With that said, ideas are inevitably heading to overlap. In these instances, simply supply the owner credit in the correct manner.

This essay will describe how to take action and highlight five reasons to avoid plagiarism: dignity, reputation, professionalism and reliability, educational integrity and disciplinary implications. With these five reasonings, plagiarism shouldn’t even be considered a thought in your mind if you are about to start writing your paper. Plagiarism shames your reputation and can hurt your professional career as well.

The nation might keep in mind the infamous plagiarism scandal concerning the then Democratic Presidential candidate, now Vice President, Joe Biden. During his 1988 presidential marketing campaign, Joe Biden was described a video of Neil Kinnock, who ran for Uk Prime Minister against Margaret Thatcher unsuccessfully. Biden, who was simply so inspired by Neil Kinnock’s speech, began to incorporate areas of the speech into his own. Biden would eventually get so comfortable incorporating Kinnock’s talk into his own that he would eventually go without offering credit to the originator of such ideas. Joe Biden didn’t just take ideas from Neil Kinnock’s conversation, but he stole his very existence tale essentially, and portrayed it to the American public as his own.

Once news broke of Joe Biden’s plagiarism, more cases of plagiarism began to surface, where he stole ideas from Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey. Without other choice, Joe Biden owned up to the accusations of plagiarism finally, which severely hurt his reputation, and designated him unfit to perform the nationwide country as Leader.